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Beth Melton Beth Melton is offline
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Posts: 298
Default Mail Merge Question

Yes, I should have stipulated that adding the NEXT field would not
require setting the document up as 2 pages per sheet. :-)

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Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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"Suzanne S. Barnhill" wrote in message
The NEXT field will not be necessary however, if the OP uses a
Letter merge
combined with "2 pages per sheet."

"Beth Melton" wrote in message
Did you insert the "Next Record" ({NEXT}) field before the merge
fields on the second label? This should be on the Mail Merge
under "Insert Word Field".

"Jim McColl" wrote in message
Greetings - I am trying to print application forms two to a page
using MS Office 2003 mail merge with an MS Access query as input.
tried setting this up as a custom sized label, so I would get two
page, one on the top half and one on the bottom half of the page.

The problem I am running into is that each label on a given page
uses the
same record from the query.

Does anyone know a way to get two records to print on a single

Thanks for any help
Jim McColl