Thread: help fast
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rockie rockie is offline
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Posts: 2
Default help fast

The play is not in anything right now,just book form. I do have a scanner,
can u tell me how i should do this, should it be one big page, or 38
differant scans?

"Rae Drysdale" wrote:

The play is probably already in Word, so it may be easier to work with Word.
Are you talking about one screen for all actors to view? How many actors? You
will need to use a large font or zoom to 500% in order for them to be able to
read. It is going to be quite a feat for the operator to keep up with
everyone's lines as well! I would suggest that you allocate each actor a
colour and type their words in that colour. Hope this is useful.
Rae Drysdale

"rockie" wrote:

I need help for our church christmas play on the 17th.. I would like to make
some kind of screen help with the play on it so they can view it if they
forget their lines.there are about 38 pages of the play, I have word, powrer
point. please help me on this matter. Also I'm realy not to experience on
these programs. I have done small word & point jobs.