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Klaus Linke
Posts: n/a

"Lily" wrote:
Im a workig on VBA.
im looking for the word 'table' at the begining of the paragraph by
using the phrase '^13Table' with wilcards ON.
But sometimes the word 'table' occures immediately below the table.

Pls suggest me how to identify the word 'table' in such suituation


Hi Lily,

Unfortunately, the end-of-cell and end-of-row markers are invisible to "Edit

You need a work-around, like searching for "Table" and then checking the
previous character:
If AscW(Selection.Characters.First.Previous) = Chr(13) Then '...

Or loop the paragraphs collection in the first place (and check the left 5
letters) instead of using Find.

Or read the document in a variant (doctext = ActiveDocument.Content.Text), use
Split(doctext, Chr(13)), and then look at the 5 left letters of each item in the
array (If Left(doctext(i),5) = "Text" Then).
The array index i will still be the same as the paragraph index in the document,
so you can modify the corresponding paragraph.

What will be fastest depends on your documents.
