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Patrick Schmid [MVP] Patrick Schmid [MVP] is offline
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Posts: 283
Default Word 2007 and Vista - add-in tab has gone missing

That sounds like instructions for Word 2003 to me. In 2003, you have the
ability to show a hidden toolbar. 2007 doesn't allow you to do that
You can probably make it appear with a line of VBA code though. Maybe
one of the Word MVPs who knows VBA a lot better than I do can volunteer
a link or the appropriate line of code?

I would suggest to give the support folks another call anyhow though.
Tell them to take a look at That
will tell them exactly what you can and cannot do in Word 2007 in this
regard. I suspect that you won't be the only person who is going to
encounter this problem once you upgrade to 2007, so they'll probably be
able to find a solution for everyone with your case.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
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" wrote in message

I'm referring to the Add-ins tab on the right hand side of the ribbon.
The add-in is for Naturalreader (text-to-speech application). The
support folks at Naturalsoft say the program is compatable with Vista
but speak of right-clicking on the toolbar to get the add-in to
appear. I may be misunderstanding them.

I removed and re-installed the program but no luck.