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Graham Mayor Graham Mayor is offline
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Default Double spacing on labels

You only have to read the note!
It explains the reasons for the added space and how to overcome it.


Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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lawsonfred wrote:
Surely this can't be that complicated to produce a label without
doulbe spacing. All I want is a sheet of sticky labels of my own
details, not a whole lot of mail merge stuff and pages of
unintelligible instructions wasting my time when I could be out in
the fresh air.
Fred Lawson

"lawsonfred" wrote:

In Word 2007, when I print a label or envelope it double spaces it -
why? How do I have paragraph spacing in the letter as normal and no
paragraph spacing in the labels and envelopes?
I would have thought MS would have got this right by now.
I keep spending money updating and it just seems to get more
complicated rather than easier.
Fred Lawson, Edinburgh