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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Bob Buckland ?:-\) Bob   Buckland ?:-\) is offline
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Posts: 2,073
Default borders not clear on .pdf output

Hi Michele,

What version of Word are you using? What type of borders are being applied (size, thickness, shadows...?) and what approach/product
are you using to create the PDF files?

Do you have a link to a sample file that shows this problem?
"Michele" wrote in message ...

My co-worker has created a complex and lengthy table with multiple merged
cells and it's been put on me to figure out what he did.

The file looks great on the screen, prints great from the word and the .pdf
file BUT it's appearance while viewing the .pdf file shows that the borders
are broken and ugly. The part that I'm baffled about it that it only appears
in the heading section where the multiple merges are used and NOT at all in
the body where the formatting is strictly individual columns and rows.

I have the following actions:
1. I removed all the borders from the heading section and then reapplied
them - NOT successful.

2. I tried to unmerge as many of the cells that I could and tried to get
a cleaner appearance - NOT successful.

3. I tried to increase the dpi print setting.

My delivery requirement is both the Word file and .pdf. The first file the
customer is known to review is the .pdf and I don't want to field a call
asking why there were not delivered a clean and neat file.

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my issue.

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*