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Peter T. Daniels Peter T. Daniels is offline
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Posts: 3,215
Default Where is the word count tool?

Word2007? Right-click on the status bar and turn on Word Count. (And
whichever of the other availabilities would be convenient for you.)

On Nov 2, 9:15*am, Margaret
I have one machine that refuses to show Word Count in the status bar. I go to
Review and click the 123 button, and it will show Page 2 of 2, but not the
word count. Then, next time I start Word I have to do that again. How do I
get it to show the Word Count on the status bar, and how do I get it to stay
there so next time I start Word it comes up again?


"digitig" wrote:
"Suzanne S. Barnhill" wrote:

Live word count is on the status bar.

But only sometimes updates. *Specifically, if you select part of a text the
live word count /should/ show the number of words in the selected portion
before the number of words in the whole text. Sometimes it does, and that's
great. Sometimes it doesn't, which sucks. In my latest college assignment
there are blocks of plain text for which, if I select them, the live word
count will show the word count for the selection. There there are other
blocks of plain text for which, if I select them, the live word count will
continue to display only the total for the document and I have to go to the
word count button on the review tab to get the count.

So I'm afraid I'm at least partly with "Joe in Durango, CO". Word count in
the status bar would be a great feature if it worked consistently. It
doesn't, so it's a real nuisance that the version that /does/ work is so hard
to find.-