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Default Can a style become font-neutral?

I am tryging to define my styles so to make them easy to modify. In
particular, I would like to remove all font type definitions from all styles
but for the normal style (for paragraphs styles) and the default paragraph
font for character styles (I am using a Spanish version of word so I don't
have the English name of this style). Then I can define all other styles as
deviations of these tweo styles and that would make it easier for me to
change the font of all styles. THe problem is that before realising that this
was a sensible thing to do I selected specific font for other styles, such as
Heading 1 and Body tex etc, and I haven't figured out a way to remove such
definitions for these styles. If i go to the "modifyt style" tab and clik on
"font" and simply delete the name of the font (e.g. Adobe Garamond Pro) and
then click OK, the style remains unmodified. It seems that I can only change
the font by selecting other font. Is there any way to make a style
font-neutral? (apart, of course, of deleting the style and creating it anew,
which apparently cannot be done with in-built styles anyway).