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Default More Info On Directory Merge Please

Hi. A search has given me some info on Directory Merge but I need more help.
The following was from Doug Robbins:

"Use a Directory type mailmerge main document in which you have a one row
table into the cells of which you insert the mergefields. If you have
nothing else in the document, when you execute the merge to a new document,
that document will contain a table with a row of data for each record in the
data source"

I have tried this and I don't get what Doug suggests. My source is an
XP/Access 2000 table and I'm merging to Word 2002. The table contains the
following records:

1 Hard Drive
1 Keyboard
2 MSWord

When I create a Catalogue/Directory merge (using "merge it with microsoft
word" from the Access table) and then merge to a new document I get:

1 CPU1 Hard drive1 Keyboard2 MS Word2

If I enter a carriage return after the second merge field, I do get them
forming into columns but not in a table. (i.e in a grid layout like an Excel
spreadsheet or an Access table).

Am I misunderstanding what is supposed to happen? Also, is it really the
case that you can't have anything else in the document? I was hoping to merge
to a document containing at least some text and ideally some text and a
second table. I can see what happens when you put some text in - is there no
way around this?

Thanks, JohnB