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Peter Jamieson Peter Jamieson is offline
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Default RTF Mail Merge Fields


OK, I think it's going to be difficult to start from where you are and
achieve a reliable result.

It seems to me that there are two main considerations:
a. do you have full control over the formatting that is in the data
b. even if you do, is there a way to ensure that Word honours the
formatting that you applied?

Most of the following is guesswork as I have not even attempted to
follow all the steps you are likely to be using...

As far as (a) is concerned, if you are using the Richtext control in VB6
to generate the RTF in the data source, then
c. From your previous messages it seems that the control is generating

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fc harset0 MS Sans
Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs17 OK - We need to change these
text boxes so that we can \b set strings of words to BOLD\b0 ,
change fonts, do underlines and we also need to do bullets:
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnin dent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}Oranges

\par {\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Apples
\par {\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Pears
\par \pard
\par This all seems to work but when it gets merged into word,
all of the formatting characters show as text!
\par }

d. my guess is that Word 2002 will ignore the formatting specified as


(which is "direct formatting"), because Word 2002 is supposed to
know how to honour


which specifies bullet formatting for the list as a whole.

e. in other words, it is possible that if you could avoid generating
that {\*\...} stuff, Word would just take the bullets you provided and
insert them

However, if you are going via an intermediate Word file as my previous
posts suggested, it is possible that even if you were able to remove
that {\*\ } RTF code, Word might well re-introduce it if you
programmatically use Word Save-As to save your data source.

Finally, if you have control over what is in the database, the chances
are that you would be much better off avoiding this approach to a merge
- perhaps generating th necessary bullets by direct programming of the
word object model rather than going via mailmerge. If you do not, then
the only way is if something can be done about (b)

As for (b), it is probably a question of whether the paragraph(s)
containing the { REF memofield } field could be formatted using a
particular "listformat" that overrides anything in the RTF. I simply do
not know whether that can be done or not.

Peter Jamieson

Vic wrote:

OK - Here's what I'm doing. I am using VB6 program to do a mail merge
where the both the merge source and the main document are rtf files.
For the merge source the app creates the word document with a word table
which contains the merge data from an Access database. The problem I'm
having is when the merge source contains a bulleted list, the merged
documents are formatted as 1. 2. 3. etc. instead of a bullet (.). I
have checked the merge source and the column containing the bullet list
is correctly formatted. I also tried doing the merge in word and the
results are the same as when the merge is done in my program. So my
question is how do I a merge where the source contains bulleted lists
and maintain the correct style of the bullets.


"Peter Jamieson" wrote in message

For one thing, you are probably now way ahead of me!

Also - I've rather lost the plot here, but if you can spell out what
you are using in the RTF, what you are using in the mail merge main
document, what results you are trying to achieve and what you are
actually getting, I can certainly have another look.

Peter Jamieson

Vic wrote:

What I've found is that I can enter the bullet character using ALT 7
(.) for each item instead of setting selBullet = true per the rtf
spec and it works correctly in the merge. Also the paragraph
sequencing is not affected. Any ideas ?


"Peter Jamieson" wrote in message
Ypur best bet here is probably to avoid using automatic numbering in
the main document - although it may be possible to prevent
"interference" between the numbering in the RTF and the numbering in
the main document by specifying a named list template or some such
in the main document, that stuff is hard to tame. What you coud try
is SEQ-based numbering in the main document, e.g. where you use

{ SEQ } fields, the \r switch to reset numbering for each sequence,
\h to hide the result when you do that, and the \c switch to re-use
the existing number, e.g.

{ SEQ level2 \r0 \h }{ SEQ level1 }.
{ SEQ level1 \c }.{ SEQ level2 }
{ SEQ level1 \c }.{ SEQ level2 }
{ SEQ level1 \c }.{ SEQ level2 }

{ SEQ level2 \r0 \h }{ SEQ level1 }.
{ SEQ level1 \c }.{ SEQ level2 }
{ SEQ level1 \c }.{ SEQ level2 }
{ SEQ level1 \c }.{ SEQ level2 }

to give you a sequence like



I don't know if that approach fits your requirement, but it's the
best I can do right now.

Peter Jamieson

Vic wrote:
Another thing the bullets cause is to change the paragraph
numbering that follows the bulleted list i.e.

(The following data is from the merge source)
Text Box Facility Info: OK - We need to change these text boxes so
that we can set strings of words to
BOLD, change fonts, do underlines and we also need to do bullets:
This all seems to work but when it gets merged into word, all of
the formatting is lost. No bolding, underlines,
bullets etc.

1. Apples
2. Oranges
3. Bananas
This seems to be changing the paragraph number in the rest ot the

(the main document starts here)

The 3.1 PURPOSE should be 1.1. After the merge it became 3.1.
Perhaps if I could get the bullet character to change to something
else may have some sort of impact on the numbering but so far I
haven't found a way to specify the bullet character.


"Peter Jamieson" wrote in message
The problem with trying to include RTF text via merge fields is
that merge fields only insert character data, with no formatting
information from the data source. If you copied your Access data
to a Word document, used that as the data source, and used REF
fields instead of MERGEFIELD fields to insert data, some of the
formatting gets through, but it's all rather arbitrary.

The only way I know to get the RTF text from Access to Word that
has any hope of working is to export the contents of each Access
RTF field to a .rtf file on disk, then insert t using an
INCLUDETEXT field. This is of course non-trivial, but I quote an
earlier message that has some ideas...

Using Mailmerge without code, you have to export the content of each
field containing rtf text to a disk file, then use INCLUDETEXT to
insert it.

Typically you would need to export the text to a filename that is
somehow related to a unique identifier (e.g. the primary key
in the table you are merging. So suppose you have a autonumber
key called k containing 1,2,3,... and your column is called mycolumn,
you might create a file called c:\myrtfs\mycolumn1.rtf for the rtf
mycolumn in record 1

Then you would use a nested INCLUDETEXT field in your mail merge main
document, e.g.

{ INCLUDETEXT "c:\\myrtfs\\mycolumn{ MERGEFIELD k }" }

Alternatively, you might be able to use Word MailMerge events: for
Access record, the event handler (probably
would need to use e.g. ADO to export the RTF, then insert it into the
document. I do not know how feasible that is.

I can't say I recommend this, but for a small number of records you
could consider the following:
a. create an Access User-defined (VBA) function that exports the
for a specified field into a file
b. create an Access query that returns the other data you want and
calls that function. Ideally the function would return the
pathname of
the file it created, with backslashes doubled up.
c. In Word, connect to that query using the DDE connection method
(there is another possibility)

Here's a how-to I wrote in 2001, slightly modified:

Suppose the function
is called rtfx
b. create a query that has columns k, r and rtfx
c. use the query as the datasource for your merge.

For example, the following Access function should do the necessary

Function rtfx(n As Integer, s As String) As String
dim r as String
Dim t As String * 1

' Generate the file name you want
rtfx = "c:\myrtfs\rtf" & Trim(Str(n)) & ".rtf"
' and return a doubled-backslash version ias the function result
rtfx = "c:\\myrtfs\\rtf" & Trim(Str(n)) & ".rtf"

Open r For Binary As 1 Len = 1
For i = 1 To Len(s)
t = Mid(s, i, 1)
Put #1, i, t
Close 1

End Function

Then your query might have columns

k, r, and rtfx(k,r)


Run the query in Access and Access will modify the text in column
3 to
something like
Expr1: rtfx([k],[r])

You can then change Expr1 to a more helpful name such as "filepath"

Then create your Word mailmerge main document and set up the query
as the
data source - Word should offer k,r and filepath as the possible

Your INCLUDETEXT field would then need to look like


Worth a try?

Of course, that assumes that you are using the MailMerge
mechanism, but faced with this problem for real, I would probably
avoid MailMerge and use Access VBA code to generate each Word
document in turn (assuming you're not going for a
catalog/directory), saving each RTF field to disk as needed and
inserting it directly using the relevant Word Insert file method.
However, I cannot provide you with code for that.

Yes, it probably is something that lots of people want to do, but
there are non-trivial problems to solve when attempting this, no
matter how you encode your formatted text (e.g., you encode it
using XML, but using which vocabulary/ies?). And I don't suppose
anyone on the development side has wanted to solve it for
RTF-encoded text ever since RTF became a "legacy format", which
you could argue is over a decade ago.

Peter Jamieson

Vic wrote:

Thanks for the reply but I'm having a problem understanding how
to implement these switches. The rtf fields are inserted in an
Access database using a VB program and contain data such as:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fc harset0 MS Sans
Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs17 OK - We need to change these
text boxes so that we can \b set strings of words to BOLD\b0 ,
change fonts, do underlines and we also need to do bullets:
\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnin dent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}Oranges
\par {\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Apples
\par {\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Pears
\par \pard
\par This all seems to work but when it gets merged into word,
all of the formatting characters show as text!
\par }

It appears to me from the use of these switches I can use
/*charformat to bold, underline and italics. So where are these
switches implemented? I tried as a test to press ctl F9 and
inserted Graham's bold example { REF chapter2_title \* Charformat
} would display "Whales of the Pacific" but it only displayed
this as plain text without formatting.

I need to be able to have this done programmatically so I would
assume I'd need some sort of word macro. The VB program invokes
the mail merge and turns the document into a PDF which then gets
merged with other PDF documents to produce a final document as a
PDF. So I suppose I'd have to invoke the word macro to massage
the word document after the mail merge is completed. Would that
be correct?

I don't see that bullets, indenting and font changes are
supported with switches. Are there any examples of using
templates with docvariable fields. There are about 20 merge
fields that are inserted in this document.

Would you provide a bit of guidance on where to go from here?
Are there some examples somewhere for doing this. It would seem
to me to be a quite common occurance but I'm finding limited
information on using switches and merge fields that contain rtf


"Doug Robbins - Word MVP on"
wrote in message
For any more than the formatting that can be applied by use of
Word field formatting switches, I think that you would have to
use a "roll-your-own" equivalent to mailmerge where in place of
a mail merge main document containing mergefields, you would use
a template containing docvariable fields and then you would run
a macro that would create a new document from that template for
each record in data source, setting the values of variables in
the document to the value of corresponding field for that record
in the data source and making use of the formatting information
in the data source to apply the required formatting.

For information on Word field formatting switches, see
"Formatting Word fields with switches" on fellow MVP Graham
Mayor's website at:

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself
of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

"Vic" wrote in message

I am trying to setup a mail merge and use rtf text fields from
a database. These rtf fields contain the formatting
instructions for bolding, bullets, font settings etc. However,
the problem I am having is word does not recognize these
formatting characters and prints everything as plain text. My
main document is an rtf file.

How can I get word to interpretate these instructions? I am
using Word 2002.

Thank you,
