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BK BK is offline
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Default connector lines and text boxes

Using Word 2003

I have several text boxes I would like to connect using elbow connectors so
that no matter how I shift the placement of a text box on the page, it will
remain connected to the other text boxes.

Word Help indicates there are supposed to be "blue connection points" that
show up on my text boxes when I mouse over them after selecting the
connector from autoshapes.

I don't seem to see the "blue connection points" even when I use the
rectangular basic shape from the autoshape selections.

What am I missing??

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Posted to microsoft.public.word.newusers
Bob Buckland ?:-\) Bob   Buckland ?:-\) is offline
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Posts: 2,073
Default connector lines and text boxes

Hi B.K.,

In Word versions prior to Word 2007 the active connectors are only available within in a Word Drawing Canvas/MS Draw

Insert=Picture=New Drawing.

"BK" wrote in message ...
Using Word 2003

I have several text boxes I would like to connect using elbow connectors so
that no matter how I shift the placement of a text box on the page, it will
remain connected to the other text boxes.

Word Help indicates there are supposed to be "blue connection points" that
show up on my text boxes when I mouse over them after selecting the
connector from autoshapes.

I don't seem to see the "blue connection points" even when I use the
rectangular basic shape from the autoshape selections.

What am I missing??

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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Posted to microsoft.public.word.newusers
BK BK is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 144
Default connector lines and text boxes


Thanks. That helped a lot. Wonder why you have to activate the canvas and
can't just use the drawing toolbar.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" 75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown) wrote
in message ...
Hi B.K.,

In Word versions prior to Word 2007 the active connectors are only
available within in a Word Drawing Canvas/MS Draw

Insert=Picture=New Drawing.

"BK" wrote in message
Using Word 2003

I have several text boxes I would like to connect using elbow connectors
that no matter how I shift the placement of a text box on the page, it
remain connected to the other text boxes.

Word Help indicates there are supposed to be "blue connection points" that
show up on my text boxes when I mouse over them after selecting the
connector from autoshapes.

I don't seem to see the "blue connection points" even when I use the
rectangular basic shape from the autoshape selections.

What am I missing??

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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