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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Posts: n/a
Default Clearing formatting in Word 2003

I recently worked on a rather large document created by someone else and
e-mailed to me. The document contained some unusual formatting styles at
random points throughout the document. I wanted to clear all of the
formatting and apply "normal" 12 pt Times New Roman, single line-spacing to
the entire document. So I selected the entire document, chose CLEAR
FORMATTING, and thought the problem was solved, as everything seemed to
revert to the "normal" settings. But when I saved the document, closed it,
and came back to it a few hours later, some of the formatting had reverted
back to its original non-"normal" settings. I changed the applicable
sections of the text to the "normal" settings, saved the document, closed it,
opened it again, and found out that the original, non-"normal" formatting had
popped back up in a couple of new spots. What's going on? Although my
computer is on a network with other users, I had this particular document
saved on my C drive, so I don't think it would have been possible for anyone
else to have sneaked in and randomly changed formatting styles throughout the
document. Any ideas on what may be happening here? How do I clear
formatting so that it stays cleared?

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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Cindy M -WordMVP-
Posts: n/a
Default Clearing formatting in Word 2003

Hi ?B?TG9yaQ==?=,

Well, from the description my first thought would be to check Tools/Template and
Addins whether "automatically update styles" might not be activated?

I recently worked on a rather large document created by someone else and
e-mailed to me. The document contained some unusual formatting styles at
random points throughout the document. I wanted to clear all of the
formatting and apply "normal" 12 pt Times New Roman, single line-spacing to
the entire document. So I selected the entire document, chose CLEAR
FORMATTING, and thought the problem was solved, as everything seemed to
revert to the "normal" settings. But when I saved the document, closed it,
and came back to it a few hours later, some of the formatting had reverted
back to its original non-"normal" settings. I changed the applicable
sections of the text to the "normal" settings, saved the document, closed it,
opened it again, and found out that the original, non-"normal" formatting had
popped back up in a couple of new spots. What's going on? Although my
computer is on a network with other users, I had this particular document
saved on my C drive, so I don't think it would have been possible for anyone
else to have sneaked in and randomly changed formatting styles throughout the
document. Any ideas on what may be happening here? How do I clear
formatting so that it stays cleared?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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