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thelisha thelisha is offline
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Posts: 4
Default Using Small Caps in the Define New Multilevel List - Word 2007

Hi Group,
I have a question about using Small Caps in the €śDefine new Multilevel list€ť
feature in Word 2007. Whew, say that three times fast! Okay, here is my
situation. I have a manual that has several chapters within it and the page
numbers are written like this: 1-1. Meaning Section 1, page 1. The
titles/headings of the chapters written like this: Section 1, Section 2, etc.
Using Styles I am able to make changes in the €śDefine new Multilevel list€ť
feature, and I have set up the word €śSection€ť to automatically appear at the
beginning of each chapter when I use the Heading 1 style. The problem I have
is I cannot format the word €śSection€ť as I wish. The Small Caps option is
grayed out and I am unable to check this feature. It is so weird because
every other option is there in the Font options box, even All Caps. Has
anyone ever experienced this? Hope this was clear, please let me know if I
need to clarify what it is I am trying to do. Any help would be appreciated!


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