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Beth Melton Beth Melton is offline
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Posts: 1,380
Default Please give us REVEAL CODES like WORD PERFECT not reveal codes

I hesitate to post this, since it appears you enjoy insulting those who are
merely trying to help, which, btw is purely voluntarily, but I'll give you
another chance. ;-)

If you must have the equivalent of WP's Reveal Codes in Word then perhaps
what you are looking for is an add-in called CrossEyes by Levit & James. I
helped beta test the add-in a few years ago and can tell you it's a lot like
the WP version but perhaps a little better since it reveals more than what
WP Reveal Codes shows you. I think there's a trial version available too.
Here's a link if interested:

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton

"ALeiS" wrote in message
Ok genious, how do you see ALL the text formatting at the same time? For
example, in the world of legal writing, it is important that text and
use several different text attributes (italics, smallcaps, underline,
there are people who get upset if a comma isn't italicized. It's a real
pain to
have to arrow through the text a letter at a time to check on the font
attributes, and it's too easy to miss things like that just by glancing
the text and trying to guess based on visual impression. I am not one of
those individuals gifted with the ability to discern whether or not a
is italicized. So is there or is there not a way to see all the attibutes
formatting or codes or whatever you want to call them--all at the same
and not in some box floating at the right of the page that only shows the
attributes of a little piece at a time?

"Dian D. Chapman, MVP" wrote:

You might want to read this article...

Is there life after "Reveal Codes"?