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Dave Dave is offline
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Posts: 167
Default turn off .tmp generation

I orginally created my data base using Office 2000 and Word. It was the old
merge tool bar drop down, not a wizard, so my data base is a word document.
I now have office 2007 and Word that goes with it, I am still using the Word
2000 data base file as my source. Does this help?

"Beth Melton" wrote:

I believe this has more to do with the data connection to your database than
temp files. Word now uses a new method, (called OLEDB), by default to
connect to a data source for mail merge. Word 2000 uses a method called
DDE.. In a nut shell, this connection allows Word to communicate directly
with your data file (which is more efficient) rather than through the
application as it did in the past using a DDE connection method. The fact
that your database may be opening as read-only may indeed be a bug. (I don't
know, this isn't something I've investigated.)

What you might be able to do is use the DDE method to connect to your data
source which may allow you to make your edits and save them. However, we
need to know the version of Word you are using so we can provide you with
the necessary steps.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"Dave" wrote in message
Thank you all for replying. My situation is when I open a merge document
use my Word based data base it opens a .tmp file. If I edit the data
which word allows and has qucik buttons to do it by during the merge, and
then close the template I cannot save the changed data base file because
says it is open. The error is that it is a read only file, which it is
It is just that Word created a .tmp file so it thinks it open somewhere
So I have to close without saving changes, a real pain for my application
plus I cannot use features Word has to offer.

This did not happen in Word 2000 and the folks on the Merge help page said
it is a know problem, they thought it might get fixed sometime. I was
looking for a near term solution.

Thanks again,

"Beth Melton" wrote:

The .tmp files Word creates are automatically delete, unless you
a crash. If after you exit Word you still see temp files (that Word
then something is preventing their deletion, such as you may not have the
necessary permissions enabled.

Otherwise, if they are deleted automatically then, as others have noted,
this is "normal" behavior.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"Dave" wrote in message
.tmp files are a real pain and I would like word to stop generating
Does anyone know of a way to stop word from generating .tmp files when
an existing file? Is there a registry key to stop them? I am not
about losing information in an open document if something should
which is what I understand the .tmp file is for.