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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Jenny B.[_2_] Jenny B.[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 6
Default Value for CheckBox Form Field

Hello All,

Why when creating a Word form can I pass an argument using an IF Statement
for a DropDown Field Value but not for a CheckBox Field Value? Is there not
a default value set when a CheckBox is checked?

Ive tried everything from guessing the value is 1 to guessing the value is
€œYes€ when checked and neither seems to work. I cant resort to VBA and use
the Forms Checkbox due to the recipient of this form does not want to deal
with Macros (dont ask me why). Isnt there a way to assign a value to the
FormField Checkbox so I can play an IF Statement off that?

Thank you ahead of time €“ Jenny B