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DeanH DeanH is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,862
Default Cell WILL NOT vertical center! HELP!

It will beinteresting to see what you gurus find.
Recently I had a colleague had a similar problem where one line in the
middle of the paragraph had extra space above, i.e. between it and the
previous line in the same paragraph.
I checked all the usual suspects and used the usual methods to control
formatting but to no avail.
When the line was selected all seemed fine but using the cursor keys going
one character at a time from the start to finish of the line, just near the
end I found a character-space that had extra space above it, I could not see
any specific character just a very narrow space with extra height. ?
The character space was selectable and I did delete it and all was well. The
colleague did own up to copying that secection of text from an external
document, so who knows?
Looking forward to the outcome of your investigations.

"Suzanne S. Barnhill" wrote:

Yeah, I'd like to look at it, too.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

"Herb Tyson [MVP]" wrote in message
Absolutely! Please send it! I love a good puzzle!

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word Bible

"Doug Robbins - Word MVP" wrote in message
Hi Herb,

I received a copy of the document and could not find out what it was that
was causing the problem (and believe me, I looked). The problem could
however be overcome by deleting all of the text from the cell and
re-entering it manually.

Let me know if you want to bang your head against the wall and I will
send the file to you.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

"Herb Tyson [MVP]" wrote in message
What version of Word is this?

Have you checked the cell margins? Right-click the cell and choose Table
Properties, Cell tab - Options button. If the Top and Bottom settings
aren't identical (usually 0), you won't be able to center vertically.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word Bible

"Dom5smom" wrote in message
I have set up a form using a table. In some rows, I have had to change
size of the cells, but just by adjusting the width, not by merging

I have one cell that absolutely will not center and I cannot figure out
There are no indentations and no spacings set either before or after
any of
the lines within the cell. There is less text than space, so there is
of room for the text to center.

I am SO frustrated! Where's my WordPerfect????

Can somebody HELP?
