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Gert Raes
Posts: n/a

Nope, I've tried nested If statements but that doesn't do the job.
For those who want to give it a shot :
- the datasource is a tab delimited textfile (I can't help it, that's how
our programmers decided it)
- the Mergefield M_148 can contain multiple lines. If so, each line will be
separated by a ΒΆ


"Peter Jamieson" schreef:

Yes, you can't use asterisks at both ends. I do not believe there is a way
to combine multiple IF statements to do this, either. You have to consider
doing this in your data source, e.g. via a Query in Access that uses iif and
instr functions.

Peter Jamieson
"Gert Raes" wrote in message
I've a question about a word 2000 mail merge :

a customer of ours is trying to create a document with an IF THEN ELSE
What he likes to do is the following : he wants to test if a field
a certain value.
I know it works fine when you do this :

{ IF {MERGEFIELD M_148} = "verandering*" "{MERGEFIELD M_201}" ""}
{ IF {MERGEFIELD M_148} = "*verandering" "{MERGEFIELD M_201}" ""}

So the word "verandering" has to be in the beginning (cfr. verandering*)
at the end (cfr. *verandering).

But : it's possible that the word "verandering" is somewhere inbetween.
it seems that trying
{ IF {MERGEFIELD M_148} = "*verandering*" "{MERGEFIELD M_201}" ""}, is not

Do you have any tips ?

Thanks in advance !