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Gilles Desjardins Gilles Desjardins is offline
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Posts: 3
Default Field in form problem Word 2003

Hello Doug,

The dialog box has an ok and a cancel button and in the title bar it is
written: Microsoft Office Word. Nothing else.
Run a macro on entry and run a macro on exit are both blank. On previous
occasions of troubleshooting I had selected the word "none" in those boxes.
The box is 3 3/4" wide and 1 3/4" high and there is a cursor flashing,
waiting for keyboard entry.
Alt+F11 (VBA editor) does not show any programming modules.

Hope this helps clarify.

Thanks for your help


"Doug Robbins - Word MVP" wrote in message
Tell us more about the dialog that appears. What is its title? Do you
have a macro running on exit from the formfield?

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

"Gilles Desjardins" wrote in message
Word 2003 I am making a form to fill in. One field is number with fill-in
active and calculate on exit active.
When I lock the form to test it,everything else works and so does the
field in question EXCEPT that as I tab to leave the field to move to the
next field a dialogue box opens and waits for me to type text in it. So,
I press escape, the box goes away and I carry on with the rest of the
How do I stop this box from appearing, I don't know how it became active?

Thank in advanced
