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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sam Sam is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 68
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I tried
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?
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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Dawn Crosier, Word MVP Dawn Crosier, Word MVP is offline
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Posts: 425
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Here's what works for me....

I create separate styles for every level of the document. So if I intend to
start with 1's and then A's and then i's - I create three styles. They can
be as simple as FirstLevel, SecondLevel, ThirdLevel. Be sure that you define
then so that they are in your Quick Style Gallery as that will make it much
easier to apply the style.

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also use
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so you
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions so
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog of
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should start
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start with an A
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with FirstLevel then
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See below)

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?

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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
gr8auntieokie gr8auntieokie is offline
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Posts: 108
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Sam, one way to get around the "restart numbering" issue is to use a heading
style (or numbered paragraph style, which is what we use in our office) in
your document that is NOT numbered. For instance, Level 1 of your document
might be a text paragraph that is NOT numbered, where you want numbered
paragraphs starting with 1 to follow the UN-numbered paragraph.

Set up your numbering with Level 1 being the UN-numbered paragraph (i.e.,
select "none" under "Number style for this level" and select "Nothing" under
"Follow number with") and Level 2 to be the numbered paragraphs that follow,
where the Level 2 paragraphs will start over with 1 after any Level 1

As for the paragraphs reverting to hanging instead of first line indented,
are you using the Format Painter to copy number formatting from one paragraph
to another? It's my experience that the Format Painter is about the finest
tool Word ever created, but when you use it to paint formatting from one
numbered paragraph to another, the paragraph that you copied FROM tends to
revert to Word's default formatting.... in your case, perhaps, the hanging
paragraph format. If that's the case with your documents, you might do better
to set up UN-numbered paragraphs (as explained above) whenever you want to
"restart" numbering in paragraphs that follow basic text paragraphs.

Cyndie Browning
Tulsa, OK

"Sam" wrote:

I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I tried
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?

  #4   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sam Sam is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 68
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

That actually helps me with another project, but not the one I am interested
in now.l I did not make this clear, but what I want is several lists of
exactly the same format restarting through the document. This pattern is used
in legal filings such as complaints, orders, petitions, etc. The example
would be:

Now come Defendant saying:
First Motion
1. Blah blah blah l;akdl;akl;dal; l;a l;ajk ak l;ak ajk l;k l;ak l;a
jl;ajkla; jl;k jkl; a a ;kal;jk alj .
2. Blah also.
In further defense, Defendant says:
1. blah blah blah l;akd l;l;k ;kl; ;l; al;ak l;al;fjkl aa l; l;akl;ajk
fljalfjk l;a fl;ajkf ajkl;j al; al;jklj;al;k jdl;ak l;fakj lakj, as follows:
(a) Ain't no way;
(b) Really, there ain't no way.
2. blah blah very blah.
Wherefore, Defendant prays the Court as follows:
1. Make him leave me alone;
2. Make him give me my bicycle back;
3. Do anything else you think would be really fun.

I created a new style called Legal Para Num by trying to modify a current
style. However, when I change from hanging to first line indent, if often
changes it back. That always happens when I choose a numbering style, which
all seem to show block indented paragraphs, which is not what I want. So then
I go change the paragraph back to first line indent. But then the numbering
won't restart. When I click on Restart Numbering, it sets the paragraph style
back to a block indented form, and doesn't restart the numbering either.

Arrrrgghhh. I know there must be something about styles I am missing, but
trying to get this to work is not intuitive. It took me a while to figure
this stuff out in W2003, but I got it. But I cannot find the ways to change
it in W2007.
  #5   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Dawn Crosier, Word MVP Dawn Crosier, Word MVP is offline
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Posts: 425
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Sam -

gr8auntieoakie had it right in telling you to setup a numbering style
without a number - this is the style you would use for your First Motion
text - or the text immediately before your numbering start.

To setup the Numbering (follow my directions earlier - except for the First
level - setup your dialog box like:

Enter formatting for number - make sure it is blank.
Number style for this level - (none)
Number alignment - Left.
Aligned at: We use .5" most frequently although there is one attorney in our
firm who prefers .4"
Text Indent at: 0" if you want the text on the second line to be at the
Follow number with: Nothing

Make sure you have Link level to Style - whatever style you are going to use
for your First Motion Text *Do Not Use* Normal here.

Then at level two setup your style for your 1, 2, 3, etc.
At level three you would setup your style for an a, b, c, etc which would be
under your 1, 2, 3.

That way you have:

First Motion - StyleLevel1 - not numbered
1. blah blah blah - StyleLevel2 - 1, 2, 3
a. more blah - StyleLevel3 - a, b, c
2. blah blah blah - StyleLevel2
SecondMotion - or further text
1. blah blah blah - StyleLevel2

Hopefully you get the idea.

Also, once you get it working, save your Style Set for this kind of document
so you can pull it out when you have to do these kinds of documents again.
Then you can have a separate Style Set for an Appeal Brief, etc.

As for block, hanging, first line indents - you have to be consistent when
you setup the styles and make them match the numbering styles. So if your
FirstMotion text is supposed to be a First Line Indent with the second line
back at the margin, make sure you also have the numbering set that way.

Sometimes it's easiest to setup the paragraph - after you have applied the
style and then update the style to match what you have on your screen.
(Right click the style and select "update [stylename] to match selection".)

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
That actually helps me with another project, but not the one I am interested
in now.l I did not make this clear, but what I want is several lists of
exactly the same format restarting through the document. This pattern is
in legal filings such as complaints, orders, petitions, etc. The example
would be:

Now come Defendant saying:
First Motion
1. Blah blah blah l;akdl;akl;dal; l;a l;ajk ak l;ak ajk l;k l;ak l;a
jl;ajkla; jl;k jkl; a a ;kal;jk alj .
2. Blah also.
In further defense, Defendant says:
1. blah blah blah l;akd l;l;k ;kl; ;l; al;ak l;al;fjkl aa l; l;akl;ajk
fljalfjk l;a fl;ajkf ajkl;j al; al;jklj;al;k jdl;ak l;fakj lakj, as follows:
(a) Ain't no way;
(b) Really, there ain't no way.
2. blah blah very blah.
Wherefore, Defendant prays the Court as follows:
1. Make him leave me alone;
2. Make him give me my bicycle back;
3. Do anything else you think would be really fun.

I created a new style called Legal Para Num by trying to modify a current
style. However, when I change from hanging to first line indent, if often
changes it back. That always happens when I choose a numbering style, which
all seem to show block indented paragraphs, which is not what I want. So
I go change the paragraph back to first line indent. But then the numbering
won't restart. When I click on Restart Numbering, it sets the paragraph
back to a block indented form, and doesn't restart the numbering either.

Arrrrgghhh. I know there must be something about styles I am missing, but
trying to get this to work is not intuitive. It took me a while to figure
this stuff out in W2003, but I got it. But I cannot find the ways to change
it in W2007.

  #6   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
That70sHeidi That70sHeidi is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 36
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel list
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to add the
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my numbering
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence updates
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It should
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain number
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on the
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number but
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but now
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and all the
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated, this
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up for
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also use
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so you
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions so
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog of
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should start
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start with an A
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with FirstLevel then
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See below)

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?

  #7   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Dawn Crosier, Word MVP Dawn Crosier, Word MVP is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 425
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Heidi -

In your first level - Type the word Part and then add a number style to
it. "1". I would also associate this level with a Heading style. The
text Part 1 will then automatically be applied, and it will not be
necessary to manually change from "1" to "2" when you get to that point
in your document.

Then level two can use the numbering from the first level to "1.1."
Level three can be "1.1.1."

Then when you change to Part 2
Level two = 2.1.
Level three = 2.1.1.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions
to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message

Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel list
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to add the
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my numbering
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence updates
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It should
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain number
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on the
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number but
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but now
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and all the
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated, this
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up for
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also use
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so you
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions so
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog of
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the First Level style to your paragraph it should start
off with 1. When you apply the Second Level style it should start with an A
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with First Level then
it should be a 2 and Second Level should start over with an A. (See below)

1. First Level
A. Second Level
B. Second Level
2. First Level
A. Second Level
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" HYPERLINK "Sam@discussi wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?

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  #8   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
That70sHeidi That70sHeidi is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 36
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Part of that kinda worked. Adding the numbering to the "Part 1" Heading Style
is good, but now my numbering looks like

1.1 TITLE (OK)
1.1.1 Subsection Title (OK) Subsection Text (OK)
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text (wrong next digit) Subsection Text (wrong next digit) Super Subsection Text (shouldn't
restart at all) Super Subsection Text (wrong next
2.1.1 Subsection Title (wrong next digit) Subsection Text (restarted again)
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text (wrong next digit)
4.1.1 Subsection Title (way wrong next digit, didn't restart)

I still can't get the numbering to continue in the style with the LAST
number updating within each Style. And it restarts under each substyle.

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Heidi -

In your first level - Type the word Part and then add a number style to
it. "1". I would also associate this level with a Heading style. The
text Part 1 will then automatically be applied, and it will not be
necessary to manually change from "1" to "2" when you get to that point
in your document.

Then level two can use the numbering from the first level to "1.1."
Level three can be "1.1.1."

Then when you change to Part 2
Level two = 2.1.
Level three = 2.1.1.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions
to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message

Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel list
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to add the
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my numbering
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence updates
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It should
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain number
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on the
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number but
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but now
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and all the
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated, this
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up for
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also use
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so you
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions so
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog of
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the First Level style to your paragraph it should start
off with 1. When you apply the Second Level style it should start with an A
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with First Level then
it should be a 2 and Second Level should start over with an A. (See below)

1. First Level
A. Second Level
B. Second Level
2. First Level
A. Second Level
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" HYPERLINK "Sam@discussi wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?

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  #9   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
That70sHeidi That70sHeidi is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 36
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Also, when I save and exit, and re-enter the document, all my numbering is
completely gone, with only "PART 1" left. The Style is still right, however,
and the "automatically update" is NOT checked (per some MVP instructions

My "Normal" style also shifted my entire left margin to 1". When I put it
back, save the style, save the document and leave, it reverts.

I do not understand this at all. All the time spent fussing with numbers,
only to have them wrong, and then disappear completely when I save!

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Heidi -

In your first level - Type the word Part and then add a number style to
it. "1". I would also associate this level with a Heading style. The
text Part 1 will then automatically be applied, and it will not be
necessary to manually change from "1" to "2" when you get to that point
in your document.

Then level two can use the numbering from the first level to "1.1."
Level three can be "1.1.1."

Then when you change to Part 2
Level two = 2.1.
Level three = 2.1.1.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions
to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message

Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel list
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to add the
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my numbering
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence updates
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It should
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain number
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on the
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number but
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but now
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and all the
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated, this
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up for
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also use
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so you
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions so
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog of
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the First Level style to your paragraph it should start
off with 1. When you apply the Second Level style it should start with an A
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with First Level then
it should be a 2 and Second Level should start over with an A. (See below)

1. First Level
A. Second Level
B. Second Level
2. First Level
A. Second Level
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" HYPERLINK "Sam@discussi wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?

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Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.30/1030 - Release Date: 9/25/2007 8:02 AM

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  #10   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Beth Melton Beth Melton is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,380
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

You'll need to modify the list as Dawn noted, BUT you don't want to keep
using the Define New Multilevel List command to make your modifications. You
aren't modifying the list - you are adding new lists, or List Templates, to
your document. Instead, use the Define New List Style command. It's
essentially the same but since you are using a Style you are providing a
name for the custom Multilevel list and providing a means to modify the
Multilevel list (and easily shared with other documents) instead of
continuing to create new List Templates which can cause problems down the
road. One scenario is an incorrect List might be used inadvertently, along
with the "correct" list, and you'll soon be back in the newsgroups asking
why your list numbering is all messed up. ;-)

If you are creating a template then you may want to create a new template
and define a new List Style. That way the old Lists won't be included in the
template and used inadvertently .

Also, to modify a List style, right-click the thumbnail in the gallery and
then click Modify.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message
Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel list
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to add
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain number
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on the
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number but
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and all
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated,
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start with an
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with FirstLevel
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See below)

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to
What do I have to do?

  #11   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Dawn Crosier, Word MVP Dawn Crosier, Word MVP is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 425
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Heidi -

When getting back into the MultiLevel List - Define New MultiLevel List,
make sure that the first level says "Part " and that the next character
is the gray formatted number that Word puts in there.

1.1 TITLE (OK)
1.1.1 Subsection Title (OK) Subsection Text (OK)
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text (wrong next digit) Subsection Text (wrong next digit) Super Subsection Text (shouldn't
restart at all) Super Subsection Text (wrong next

Then for your remaining levels, make sure that you delete out the text
in the "Enter Formatting for" and do the "Include level number from"
FIRST, before selecting the style of the numbering for the level you are
working on. - at least that is what it looks like happened with your
third and fourth levels, the "Include level number from" *follows* the
numbering for the current level.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions
to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

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Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.31/1031 - Release Date:
9/26/2007 12:12 PM

  #12   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
That70sHeidi That70sHeidi is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 36
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Oh crap. I'm going to just manually number the entire thing for now to meet
our deadline.

How do I get rid of all those extra list templates I added? I tried
selecting all and changing the style to "Clear All" but the file size is
still about 8 times what it should be.

"Beth Melton" wrote:

You'll need to modify the list as Dawn noted, BUT you don't want to keep
using the Define New Multilevel List command to make your modifications. You
aren't modifying the list - you are adding new lists, or List Templates, to
your document. Instead, use the Define New List Style command. It's
essentially the same but since you are using a Style you are providing a
name for the custom Multilevel list and providing a means to modify the
Multilevel list (and easily shared with other documents) instead of
continuing to create new List Templates which can cause problems down the
road. One scenario is an incorrect List might be used inadvertently, along
with the "correct" list, and you'll soon be back in the newsgroups asking
why your list numbering is all messed up. ;-)

If you are creating a template then you may want to create a new template
and define a new List Style. That way the old Lists won't be included in the
template and used inadvertently .

Also, to modify a List style, right-click the thumbnail in the gallery and
then click Modify.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message
Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel list
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to add
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain number
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on the
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number but
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and all
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated,
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start with an
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with FirstLevel
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See below)

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to
What do I have to do?

  #13   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Beth Melton Beth Melton is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,380
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Do you see a bunch of List Templates in the gallery under the "Lists in
Current Document" section? You might be able to remove them provided they
aren't currently in use but I've found that's a bit of hit or miss. It seems
to depend on the edits you've made. But even if they do not display in the
gallery, they'll still be in the document and those can't be deleted, even
with VBA.

If you only see one then you should be okay, as long as you are VERY careful
making your edits. Make sure either the entire list is selected or your
insertion point is flashing in the list. I probably shouldn't have said you
"can't" edit a list you created using the Define New Multilevel List command
(that's been drilled into my head!), you can, provided you are very careful.
The underlying issue is once they have been created they can't be deleted
(as previously noted) and if your current list is using multiple lists then
things might get a little hairy. The same is true if they aren't removed
from the gallery - those might be inadvertently used at a later date.

If you are creating a template for others to use then I'd start fresh. But
if you are on a deadline and the document won't go through numerous edits
and be revised then I'd personally leave it and meet your deadline.

Although....I did a little more experimenting for you, after you've verified
you are using a single List (they easiest way is to select your list and
reapply the correct list if you see more than one), you might be able to
select the contents and copy/paste the contents to a new document. Then
select your list, use the Define New List Style command, and create a style
for your list. In the New Style dialog box, click the Format button at the
bottom to access the Numbering dialog box. It will look and function the
same as the one you've been using. The current List Template should be
picked up but you still want to verify it looks okay. Then make sure the
Style is applied to your List. This should enable you to remove the
additional List Templates that were previously created (even if they aren't
visible in the gallery). If you had several listed in the "Lists in Current
Document" section then the way to tell if they will continue to display is
to save and close the old document, and any other documents that are open,
and then check the Multilevel List gallery.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message
Oh crap. I'm going to just manually number the entire thing for now to
our deadline.

How do I get rid of all those extra list templates I added? I tried
selecting all and changing the style to "Clear All" but the file size is
still about 8 times what it should be.

"Beth Melton" wrote:

You'll need to modify the list as Dawn noted, BUT you don't want to keep
using the Define New Multilevel List command to make your modifications.
aren't modifying the list - you are adding new lists, or List Templates,
your document. Instead, use the Define New List Style command. It's
essentially the same but since you are using a Style you are providing a
name for the custom Multilevel list and providing a means to modify the
Multilevel list (and easily shared with other documents) instead of
continuing to create new List Templates which can cause problems down the
road. One scenario is an incorrect List might be used inadvertently,
with the "correct" list, and you'll soon be back in the newsgroups asking
why your list numbering is all messed up. ;-)

If you are creating a template then you may want to create a new template
and define a new List Style. That way the old Lists won't be included in
template and used inadvertently .

Also, to modify a List style, right-click the thumbnail in the gallery
then click Modify.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message
Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not
numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated,
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start with
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with FirstLevel
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me.
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering.
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to
What do I have to do?

  #14   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
tammy tammy is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 107
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc


Thank you so much for this tip! After spending over an hour trying to figure
out why my font formatting for each level of my numbered list was not
sticking in my new multilevel list, I got online to see if anyone was having
the same problem. I would never have thought to make separate styles, and
then link them to the new multilist levels. This worked beautifully! Thanks,

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I create separate styles for every level of the document. So if I intend to
start with 1's and then A's and then i's - I create three styles. They can
be as simple as FirstLevel, SecondLevel, ThirdLevel. Be sure that you define
then so that they are in your Quick Style Gallery as that will make it much
easier to apply the style.

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also use
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so you
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions so
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog of
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should start
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start with an A
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with FirstLevel then
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See below)

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here is
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging paragraphs
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to work.
What do I have to do?

  #15   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Dawn Crosier, Word MVP Dawn Crosier, Word MVP is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 425
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Glad to be of service! Numbered lists got much easier for me when I
learned that trick.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions
to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

"Tammy" wrote in message


Thank you so much for this tip! After spending over an hour trying to figure
out why my font formatting for each level of my numbered list was not
sticking in my new multilevel list, I got online to see if anyone was having
the same problem. I would never have thought to make separate styles, and
then link them to the new multilist levels. This worked beautifully! Thanks,

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.32/1033 - Release Date:
9/27/2007 11:06 AM

  #16   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
gr8auntieokie gr8auntieokie is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 108
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Heidi and others:

THREE things come to mind as I read your account of how frustrated you are
in your attempt at auto-number your paragraphs.

1. Be verrrrry careful whenever you set up "Legal style numbering." For
instance, with the box next to the "Legal style numbering" title _NOT_
checked, select the number style for the Level 3 paragraph of your outline
(assuming that you've already set up Levels 1 and 2) and click on it. Say
that number is 1. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the "1" and type a
period [.]. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the period and click on the
box next to the title "Legal style numbering" to turn on that function. In
the "include level number from" box, FIRST click on your Level 1 paragraph
number, then type a period, then click on your Level 2 number. When you're
done, "1.1.1 Level 3" should appear in the preview box at the top center of
the window.

2. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use the Format Painter to copy formatting from one
auto-numbered paragraph to another. If/when you do, the formatting for the
paragraph you're trying to copy formatting FROM reverts to Word's default
setting for that level, which will frustrate you faster than you can spit.
But if you take the time to methodically set up your numbering styles, and
have them chain from Level 1 to 2 (so that Level 2 starts over after any
Level 1 paragraph), and from Level 2 to 3 and so on, all you'll have to do
with each paragraph in your document is click on the paragraph, then click on
the appropriate style name to apply the formatting of each style to the next

3. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS set up ALL of your outline levels inside Level 1
of the Define new Multilevel List window. If you start having problems with
Level 3 and go into the Define new Multilevel List window to try to fix the
problem while your cursor is still sitting in Level 3, your Level 3 style
will forget that it's "related" to Levels 1 and 2, and then all of a sudden,
your numbers are screwed up again. BUT if you methodically open the Define
new Multilevel List window in the first paragraph in your document that will
have numbers or that will control the restarting number in the other levels
(even if that first paragraph itself doesn't have numbering), your styles
will hold the numbers and will start over like they're supposed to. They'll
be far more stable than just restarting numbering everytime you want them to
start over. And if you have problems with numbered paragraphs anywhere else
in the document, go back to the very first paragraph that had numbering or
that controlled the numbers (in other words, the very first Level 1
paragraph), then open the Define new Multilevel List window, and re-set up
the whole outline again. Trust me: 99 times out of a 100 when you click OK
after double-checking all your levels, the problem will have fixed itself.

Cyndie Browning
Tulsa, OK

"That70sHeidi" wrote:

Oh crap. I'm going to just manually number the entire thing for now to meet
our deadline.

How do I get rid of all those extra list templates I added? I tried
selecting all and changing the style to "Clear All" but the file size is
still about 8 times what it should be.

"Beth Melton" wrote:

You'll need to modify the list as Dawn noted, BUT you don't want to keep
using the Define New Multilevel List command to make your modifications. You
aren't modifying the list - you are adding new lists, or List Templates, to
your document. Instead, use the Define New List Style command. It's
essentially the same but since you are using a Style you are providing a
name for the custom Multilevel list and providing a means to modify the
Multilevel list (and easily shared with other documents) instead of
continuing to create new List Templates which can cause problems down the
road. One scenario is an incorrect List might be used inadvertently, along
with the "correct" list, and you'll soon be back in the newsgroups asking
why your list numbering is all messed up. ;-)

If you are creating a template then you may want to create a new template
and define a new List Style. That way the old Lists won't be included in the
template and used inadvertently .

Also, to modify a List style, right-click the thumbnail in the gallery and
then click Modify.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message
Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel list
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to add
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain number
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box which
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on the
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number but
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word, but
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and all
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is appreciated,
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it up
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in the
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will also
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button so
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number positions
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph dialog
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start with an
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with FirstLevel
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See below)

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me. Here
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the numbering
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems to
What do I have to do?

  #17   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Beth Melton Beth Melton is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,380
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Yes, indeed! As you pointed out, using Define New Multilevel list is flakey
and can be difficult to use. :-) The cautions you've cited, especially those
in item #3 are exactly the reasons why using a Define New List Style, and if
modifications are necessary to modify the Style, is why it's recommended (by
the MS Devs and MS Word PMs) over using the Define New Multilevel List
method. :-)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"gr8auntieokie" wrote in message
Heidi and others:

THREE things come to mind as I read your account of how frustrated you are
in your attempt at auto-number your paragraphs.

1. Be verrrrry careful whenever you set up "Legal style numbering." For
instance, with the box next to the "Legal style numbering" title _NOT_
checked, select the number style for the Level 3 paragraph of your outline
(assuming that you've already set up Levels 1 and 2) and click on it. Say
that number is 1. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the "1" and type a
period [.]. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the period and click on
box next to the title "Legal style numbering" to turn on that function. In
the "include level number from" box, FIRST click on your Level 1 paragraph
number, then type a period, then click on your Level 2 number. When you're
done, "1.1.1 Level 3" should appear in the preview box at the top center
the window.

2. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use the Format Painter to copy formatting from one
auto-numbered paragraph to another. If/when you do, the formatting for the
paragraph you're trying to copy formatting FROM reverts to Word's default
setting for that level, which will frustrate you faster than you can spit.
But if you take the time to methodically set up your numbering styles, and
have them chain from Level 1 to 2 (so that Level 2 starts over after any
Level 1 paragraph), and from Level 2 to 3 and so on, all you'll have to do
with each paragraph in your document is click on the paragraph, then click
the appropriate style name to apply the formatting of each style to the

3. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS set up ALL of your outline levels inside Level 1
of the Define new Multilevel List window. If you start having problems
Level 3 and go into the Define new Multilevel List window to try to fix
problem while your cursor is still sitting in Level 3, your Level 3 style
will forget that it's "related" to Levels 1 and 2, and then all of a
your numbers are screwed up again. BUT if you methodically open the Define
new Multilevel List window in the first paragraph in your document that
have numbers or that will control the restarting number in the other
(even if that first paragraph itself doesn't have numbering), your styles
will hold the numbers and will start over like they're supposed to.
be far more stable than just restarting numbering everytime you want them
start over. And if you have problems with numbered paragraphs anywhere
in the document, go back to the very first paragraph that had numbering or
that controlled the numbers (in other words, the very first Level 1
paragraph), then open the Define new Multilevel List window, and re-set up
the whole outline again. Trust me: 99 times out of a 100 when you click OK
after double-checking all your levels, the problem will have fixed itself.

Cyndie Browning
Tulsa, OK

"That70sHeidi" wrote:

Oh crap. I'm going to just manually number the entire thing for now to
our deadline.

How do I get rid of all those extra list templates I added? I tried
selecting all and changing the style to "Clear All" but the file size is
still about 8 times what it should be.

"Beth Melton" wrote:

You'll need to modify the list as Dawn noted, BUT you don't want to
using the Define New Multilevel List command to make your
modifications. You
aren't modifying the list - you are adding new lists, or List
Templates, to
your document. Instead, use the Define New List Style command. It's
essentially the same but since you are using a Style you are providing
name for the custom Multilevel list and providing a means to modify the
Multilevel list (and easily shared with other documents) instead of
continuing to create new List Templates which can cause problems down
road. One scenario is an incorrect List might be used inadvertently,
with the "correct" list, and you'll soon be back in the newsgroups
why your list numbering is all messed up. ;-)

If you are creating a template then you may want to create a new
and define a new List Style. That way the old Lists won't be included
in the
template and used inadvertently .

Also, to modify a List style, right-click the thumbnail in the gallery
then click Modify.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in
Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not
numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word,
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start
with an
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me.
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart
numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems
What do I have to do?

  #18   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
That70sHeidi That70sHeidi is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 36
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

You guys just made my entire weekend!!!!

Legal Numbering being explained was exactly what I need. I didn't know what
most of the options under Multilevel list meant in the first place, no wonder
I couldn't get it working.

I think another thing to remind people is if they want to apply a style to
the numbered items, they need to number it FIRST, then make their font
changes, then highlight it and right click (down arrow click) on the Style
Menu to "Update Style Name to match selection."

In this way I was able to set up a fresh, clean document with no text, I
created a bunch of blank Styles with the names I'll be using, then I set up
the numbering the right way (need to tweak the tab/indents, but thanks for
the tip of going back to the first level before editing!!!), then I was able
to apply the numbering to the Style itself.

Seriously, you have no idea how happy I am now! If I come up with any other
questions, you know you'll hear from me. THANK YOU ALL!!!

"Beth Melton" wrote:

Yes, indeed! As you pointed out, using Define New Multilevel list is flakey
and can be difficult to use. :-) The cautions you've cited, especially those
in item #3 are exactly the reasons why using a Define New List Style, and if
modifications are necessary to modify the Style, is why it's recommended (by
the MS Devs and MS Word PMs) over using the Define New Multilevel List
method. :-)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"gr8auntieokie" wrote in message
Heidi and others:

THREE things come to mind as I read your account of how frustrated you are
in your attempt at auto-number your paragraphs.

1. Be verrrrry careful whenever you set up "Legal style numbering." For
instance, with the box next to the "Legal style numbering" title _NOT_
checked, select the number style for the Level 3 paragraph of your outline
(assuming that you've already set up Levels 1 and 2) and click on it. Say
that number is 1. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the "1" and type a
period [.]. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the period and click on
box next to the title "Legal style numbering" to turn on that function. In
the "include level number from" box, FIRST click on your Level 1 paragraph
number, then type a period, then click on your Level 2 number. When you're
done, "1.1.1 Level 3" should appear in the preview box at the top center
the window.

2. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use the Format Painter to copy formatting from one
auto-numbered paragraph to another. If/when you do, the formatting for the
paragraph you're trying to copy formatting FROM reverts to Word's default
setting for that level, which will frustrate you faster than you can spit.
But if you take the time to methodically set up your numbering styles, and
have them chain from Level 1 to 2 (so that Level 2 starts over after any
Level 1 paragraph), and from Level 2 to 3 and so on, all you'll have to do
with each paragraph in your document is click on the paragraph, then click
the appropriate style name to apply the formatting of each style to the

3. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS set up ALL of your outline levels inside Level 1
of the Define new Multilevel List window. If you start having problems
Level 3 and go into the Define new Multilevel List window to try to fix
problem while your cursor is still sitting in Level 3, your Level 3 style
will forget that it's "related" to Levels 1 and 2, and then all of a
your numbers are screwed up again. BUT if you methodically open the Define
new Multilevel List window in the first paragraph in your document that
have numbers or that will control the restarting number in the other
(even if that first paragraph itself doesn't have numbering), your styles
will hold the numbers and will start over like they're supposed to.
be far more stable than just restarting numbering everytime you want them
start over. And if you have problems with numbered paragraphs anywhere
in the document, go back to the very first paragraph that had numbering or
that controlled the numbers (in other words, the very first Level 1
paragraph), then open the Define new Multilevel List window, and re-set up
the whole outline again. Trust me: 99 times out of a 100 when you click OK
after double-checking all your levels, the problem will have fixed itself.

Cyndie Browning
Tulsa, OK

"That70sHeidi" wrote:

Oh crap. I'm going to just manually number the entire thing for now to
our deadline.

How do I get rid of all those extra list templates I added? I tried
selecting all and changing the style to "Clear All" but the file size is
still about 8 times what it should be.

"Beth Melton" wrote:

You'll need to modify the list as Dawn noted, BUT you don't want to
using the Define New Multilevel List command to make your
modifications. You
aren't modifying the list - you are adding new lists, or List
Templates, to
your document. Instead, use the Define New List Style command. It's
essentially the same but since you are using a Style you are providing
name for the custom Multilevel list and providing a means to modify the
Multilevel list (and easily shared with other documents) instead of
continuing to create new List Templates which can cause problems down
road. One scenario is an incorrect List might be used inadvertently,
with the "correct" list, and you'll soon be back in the newsgroups
why your list numbering is all messed up. ;-)

If you are creating a template then you may want to create a new
and define a new List Style. That way the old Lists won't be included
in the
template and used inadvertently .

Also, to modify a List style, right-click the thumbnail in the gallery
then click Modify.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in
Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the multilevel
command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not finding.

However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added the
multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current selection" to
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the sequence
for each section, until I go back to the previously defined style. It
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not
numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a plain
to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray number
that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of Word,
I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists, and
MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set it
2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command in
Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You will
this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More button
can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it should
off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start
with an
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A. (See

1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing me.
what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next paragraph
-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart
numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it seems
What do I have to do?

  #19   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Suzanne S. Barnhill Suzanne S. Barnhill is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 33,624
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

To go one step further, if you create a blank document with the required
styles, you can then save it as a template (.dotx file) on which you can
base new documents that will use those styles.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

"That70sHeidi" wrote in message
You guys just made my entire weekend!!!!

Legal Numbering being explained was exactly what I need. I didn't know

most of the options under Multilevel list meant in the first place, no

I couldn't get it working.

I think another thing to remind people is if they want to apply a style to
the numbered items, they need to number it FIRST, then make their font
changes, then highlight it and right click (down arrow click) on the Style
Menu to "Update Style Name to match selection."

In this way I was able to set up a fresh, clean document with no text, I
created a bunch of blank Styles with the names I'll be using, then I set

the numbering the right way (need to tweak the tab/indents, but thanks for
the tip of going back to the first level before editing!!!), then I was

to apply the numbering to the Style itself.

Seriously, you have no idea how happy I am now! If I come up with any

questions, you know you'll hear from me. THANK YOU ALL!!!

"Beth Melton" wrote:

Yes, indeed! As you pointed out, using Define New Multilevel list is

and can be difficult to use. :-) The cautions you've cited, especially

in item #3 are exactly the reasons why using a Define New List Style,

and if
modifications are necessary to modify the Style, is why it's recommended

the MS Devs and MS Word PMs) over using the Define New Multilevel List
method. :-)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"gr8auntieokie" wrote in

Heidi and others:

THREE things come to mind as I read your account of how frustrated you

in your attempt at auto-number your paragraphs.

1. Be verrrrry careful whenever you set up "Legal style numbering."

instance, with the box next to the "Legal style numbering" title _NOT_
checked, select the number style for the Level 3 paragraph of your

(assuming that you've already set up Levels 1 and 2) and click on it.

that number is 1. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the "1" and

type a
period [.]. Then move your cursor to the LEFT of the period and click

box next to the title "Legal style numbering" to turn on that

function. In
the "include level number from" box, FIRST click on your Level 1

number, then type a period, then click on your Level 2 number. When

done, "1.1.1 Level 3" should appear in the preview box at the top

the window.

2. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use the Format Painter to copy formatting from

auto-numbered paragraph to another. If/when you do, the formatting for

paragraph you're trying to copy formatting FROM reverts to Word's

setting for that level, which will frustrate you faster than you can

But if you take the time to methodically set up your numbering styles,

have them chain from Level 1 to 2 (so that Level 2 starts over after

Level 1 paragraph), and from Level 2 to 3 and so on, all you'll have

to do
with each paragraph in your document is click on the paragraph, then

the appropriate style name to apply the formatting of each style to


3. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS set up ALL of your outline levels inside

Level 1
of the Define new Multilevel List window. If you start having problems
Level 3 and go into the Define new Multilevel List window to try to

problem while your cursor is still sitting in Level 3, your Level 3

will forget that it's "related" to Levels 1 and 2, and then all of a
your numbers are screwed up again. BUT if you methodically open the

new Multilevel List window in the first paragraph in your document

have numbers or that will control the restarting number in the other
(even if that first paragraph itself doesn't have numbering), your

will hold the numbers and will start over like they're supposed to.
be far more stable than just restarting numbering everytime you want

start over. And if you have problems with numbered paragraphs anywhere
in the document, go back to the very first paragraph that had

numbering or
that controlled the numbers (in other words, the very first Level 1
paragraph), then open the Define new Multilevel List window, and

re-set up
the whole outline again. Trust me: 99 times out of a 100 when you

click OK
after double-checking all your levels, the problem will have fixed


Cyndie Browning
Tulsa, OK

"That70sHeidi" wrote:

Oh crap. I'm going to just manually number the entire thing for now

our deadline.

How do I get rid of all those extra list templates I added? I tried
selecting all and changing the style to "Clear All" but the file size

still about 8 times what it should be.

"Beth Melton" wrote:

You'll need to modify the list as Dawn noted, BUT you don't want to
using the Define New Multilevel List command to make your
modifications. You
aren't modifying the list - you are adding new lists, or List
Templates, to
your document. Instead, use the Define New List Style command. It's
essentially the same but since you are using a Style you are

name for the custom Multilevel list and providing a means to modify

Multilevel list (and easily shared with other documents) instead of
continuing to create new List Templates which can cause problems

road. One scenario is an incorrect List might be used

with the "correct" list, and you'll soon be back in the newsgroups
why your list numbering is all messed up. ;-)

If you are creating a template then you may want to create a new
and define a new List Style. That way the old Lists won't be

in the
template and used inadvertently .

Also, to modify a List style, right-click the thumbnail in the

then click Modify.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

"That70sHeidi" wrote in
Firstly, Dawn, thank you thank you!! for pointing out the

command! It's what I've been searching for in 2007 and not


However, I've run into a problem using it.

I've set up my styles for the proper indents, caps, etc. I added

multilevel numbering, then "update the style to current

selection" to
numbering into the style. Which is awesome. However, I noticed my
isn't set up right.

I need to create my document so that the last number in the

for each section, until I go back to the previously defined

style. It
look as such:

PART 1 - GENERAL (I've defined this as a blank 'restart' style

and it
1.1.1 Subsection Title Subsection Text
Texty text sometimes in here, not
numbered. Subsection Text Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Super Subsection Text Subsection Text
1.1.2 Subsection Title
2.1.1 Subsection Title

I can't seem to get the multilevel list to do that. I added a

to the end of the "grayed out" "Enter formatting for number" box
apparently means that number never changes - 1.2.1 becomes on
next level (should be I tried to copy/paste the gray

that doesn't work.

This all worked more or less just fine in the last version of

I can't seem to find the old way of doing it, if it still exists,

MVP help documents say it's the wrong way anyway. Help is
is a frequently used template here at work, and to be able to set

2007 as a template that WORKS would be amazing.


"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Here's what works for me....

I then click the down arrow next to the multilevel list command

Paragraph Group and select "Define New Multilevel List" (You

this same command to make changes to the list.)

In the Define new Multilevel list dialog box, click the More

can use the Link level to style. Be sure to modify your number
that they do not conflict with what you defined in the paragraph
your style.

Click OK.

Now, when you apply the FirstLevel style to your paragraph it

off with 1. When you apply the SecondLevel style it should start
with an
and continue with B, etc. When mark another paragraph with
it should be a 2 and SecondLevel should start over with an A.


1. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
B. SecondLevel
2. FirstLevel
A. SecondLevel
i. ThirdLevel
ii. ThirdLevel
B. SecondLevel
3. FirstLevel

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and
to the group so that others can learn as well.
"Sam" wrote in message
I thought I understood paragraph numbering, but W2007 is vexing

what I want:
-numbered paragraphs that automatically number the next

-to restart the numbering several times in the document
-paragraphs to be first-line indented, not hanging

I knew how to do it in prior Word, but W2007 reverts to hanging
when I try to do Restart Numbering, and then won't restart the
anyway. It is driving me crazy. I cannot get it to restart
numbering. I
applying List 2, I tried creating a new style, but none of it

What do I have to do?

  #20   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
tammy tammy is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 107
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Hi Dawn,

I have been trying to create a new multilevel list using the instructions
you gave (first creating styles for each level, then linking levels to those
styles in my new multilevel list) - i got it to work perfectly once. I don't
know if I'm missing a step, or what, but I can't see the new styles I've
created within the "Link level to style" dropdown in the Modify Multilevel
list dialog box. I know they exist because I can see them in the "list
styles" sections when I display choices for multilevel lists. Any suggestions
on where I might be going wrong?

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Glad to be of service! Numbered lists got much easier for me when I
learned that trick.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions
to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

"Tammy" wrote in message


Thank you so much for this tip! After spending over an hour trying to figure
out why my font formatting for each level of my numbered list was not
sticking in my new multilevel list, I got online to see if anyone was having
the same problem. I would never have thought to make separate styles, and
then link them to the new multilist levels. This worked beautifully! Thanks,

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  #21   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Dawn Crosier, Word MVP Dawn Crosier, Word MVP is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 425
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Tammy -

Have you scrolled to the bottom of the list? There are several
alphabetical groups within the Link Level to Style Dropdown. When I
create my new styles, I often find them located below the TOC styles.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
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"Tammy" wrote in message

Hi Dawn,

I have been trying to create a new multilevel list using the instructions
you gave (first creating styles for each level, then linking levels to those
styles in my new multilevel list) - i got it to work perfectly once. I don't
know if I'm missing a step, or what, but I can't see the new styles I've
created within the "Link level to style" dropdown in the Modify Multilevel
list dialog box. I know they exist because I can see them in the "list
styles" sections when I display choices for multilevel lists. Any suggestions
on where I might be going wrong?

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

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tammy tammy is offline
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Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Hi Dawn,

Thanks so much for responding.

Yes, I scrolled through them and they weren't there. Am I correct to be
creating a "New List Style" and formatting everything through the Style
dialog box? Any new list style I create by using the "New List Style" option
shows up as a choice in the dropdown list from the Ribbon (under the
Multilevel list button), but it does not show as a choice within the Modify
Multilevel list dialog box under the "Link level to style" dropdown.

If I first format text (which will not allow me the options of adding the
special indents I need for each level of a number - I have to use the ruler
to apply the proper indents), and then I right-click and create a new quick
style, this new style is a choice in the "Link level to style" dropdown.
However, the indents from the style I'm basing the number level on do not
seem to stick, and I have to change them in the dialog box.

I know this is probably getting confusing....

Is this how I should start - add just text formatting (do not apply any
numbers) and create the styles from the text. Then, create a new multilevel
list using the styles created with just formatted text and make my additional
number formatting changes, as well as the indent changes for each level
through the New Multilevel List dialog box?

I guess I just can't remember what I did last time. Thanks so much for any
help you can provide!

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Tammy -

Have you scrolled to the bottom of the list? There are several
alphabetical groups within the Link Level to Style Dropdown. When I
create my new styles, I often find them located below the TOC styles.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
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"Tammy" wrote in message

Hi Dawn,

I have been trying to create a new multilevel list using the instructions
you gave (first creating styles for each level, then linking levels to those
styles in my new multilevel list) - i got it to work perfectly once. I don't
know if I'm missing a step, or what, but I can't see the new styles I've
created within the "Link level to style" dropdown in the Modify Multilevel
list dialog box. I know they exist because I can see them in the "list
styles" sections when I display choices for multilevel lists. Any suggestions
on where I might be going wrong?

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Dawn Crosier, Word MVP Dawn Crosier, Word MVP is offline
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Posts: 425
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Tammy -

What I do is create paragraph styles for the paragraphs that I am going
to include in the list. If you create lists and associate them with
lists, you would seriously confuse Word - it’s a good thing you couldn't
find the list in the dropdown. (LOL)

Once you have paragraphs styled - then you can associate them to the
MultiLevel List style that you are creating.

For instance, I have a Heading type style that is the first in my list.
It is formatted with Bold Text and SmallCaps font. Therefore, I called
it FSBoSC-Lv1. Then the next style under is a more like body text so I
called it FSBodyList-Lv2.

If all the rest of the text in my multilevel list is going to look like
FSBodyList-Lv2, then I just stop there with the linking since that style
will carry on. I just adjust the numbering and the indents of the List.
See Below:

I. List Start (FSBoSC-Lv1)
A. First Item (FSBodyList-Lv2)
1. Second Item (FSBodyList-Lv2)
a. etc. (FSBodyList-Lv2)
II. Second Start (FSBoSC-Lv1)

Hopefully that will not confuse you more.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
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to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

"Tammy" wrote in message

Hi Dawn,

Thanks so much for responding.

Yes, I scrolled through them and they weren't there. Am I correct to be
creating a "New List Style" and formatting everything through the Style
dialog box? Any new list style I create by using the "New List Style" option
shows up as a choice in the dropdown list from the Ribbon (under the
Multilevel list button), but it does not show as a choice within the Modify
Multilevel list dialog box under the "Link level to style" dropdown.

If I first format text (which will not allow me the options of adding the
special indents I need for each level of a number - I have to use the ruler
to apply the proper indents), and then I right-click and create a new quick
style, this new style is a choice in the "Link level to style" dropdown.
However, the indents from the style I'm basing the number level on do not
seem to stick, and I have to change them in the dialog box.

I know this is probably getting confusing....

Is this how I should start - add just text formatting (do not apply any
numbers) and create the styles from the text. Then, create a new multilevel
list using the styles created with just formatted text and make my additional
number formatting changes, as well as the indent changes for each level
through the New Multilevel List dialog box?

I guess I just can't remember what I did last time. Thanks so much for any
help you can provide!

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Posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
tammy tammy is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 107
Default Word 2007 Paragraph numbering/restart numbering; Legal doc

Thanks so much, Dawn - you've been a great help! Truly, can't thank you
enough! Have a great weekend!

"Dawn Crosier, Word MVP" wrote:

Tammy -

What I do is create paragraph styles for the paragraphs that I am going
to include in the list. If you create lists and associate them with
lists, you would seriously confuse Word - its a good thing you couldn't
find the list in the dropdown. (LOL)

Once you have paragraphs styled - then you can associate them to the
MultiLevel List style that you are creating.

For instance, I have a Heading type style that is the first in my list.
It is formatted with Bold Text and SmallCaps font. Therefore, I called
it FSBoSC-Lv1. Then the next style under is a more like body text so I
called it FSBodyList-Lv2.

If all the rest of the text in my multilevel list is going to look like
FSBodyList-Lv2, then I just stop there with the linking since that style
will carry on. I just adjust the numbering and the indents of the List.
See Below:

I. List Start (FSBoSC-Lv1)
A. First Item (FSBodyList-Lv2)
1. Second Item (FSBodyList-Lv2)
a. etc. (FSBodyList-Lv2)
II. Second Start (FSBoSC-Lv1)

Hopefully that will not confuse you more.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
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to the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.

"Tammy" wrote in message

Hi Dawn,

Thanks so much for responding.

Yes, I scrolled through them and they weren't there. Am I correct to be
creating a "New List Style" and formatting everything through the Style
dialog box? Any new list style I create by using the "New List Style" option
shows up as a choice in the dropdown list from the Ribbon (under the
Multilevel list button), but it does not show as a choice within the Modify
Multilevel list dialog box under the "Link level to style" dropdown.

If I first format text (which will not allow me the options of adding the
special indents I need for each level of a number - I have to use the ruler
to apply the proper indents), and then I right-click and create a new quick
style, this new style is a choice in the "Link level to style" dropdown.
However, the indents from the style I'm basing the number level on do not
seem to stick, and I have to change them in the dialog box.

I know this is probably getting confusing....

Is this how I should start - add just text formatting (do not apply any
numbers) and create the styles from the text. Then, create a new multilevel
list using the styles created with just formatted text and make my additional
number formatting changes, as well as the indent changes for each level
through the New Multilevel List dialog box?

I guess I just can't remember what I did last time. Thanks so much for any
help you can provide!

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Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.1/1051 - Release Date:
10/5/2007 12:27 PM

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