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Mark D. Mark D. is offline
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Posts: 6
Default can't see footnote text when rest pointer on footnote mark

(FYI...thanks for your posting. I've been experiencing the same problem with
BOTH 2002 and 2003 (I use both versions, both on XP desktop platforms). I
mention the use of both verions to a: make all readers aware that the '03
version seems to share in this issue that is mostly recognized in the '02
Standard Edition of word, and b) to let readers know that the workaround in
the KB article ( as
suggested by Suzanne S. Barnhill's reply works equally well for both versions
('02 & '03). Though, I must admit, that I'm somewhat embarrassed for
Microsoft given this half-**ssed work around for a "known issue". C'mon
Microsoft, just issue a patch to fix the problem....or is this just
Microsoft's way of incentivizing the purchase of a Mac?

"footnotecrazy" wrote:

in microsoft word, when you rest the pointer on a note reference mark the note text is supposed to appear above the mark in a screen tip. this function used to work on my system, but for some reason it now doesn't. can anyone help me reactivate it? i looked online and found a microsoft posting suggesting that i go to view, open the document, close the document map, and then the function should work. i did this but nothing changed. i would much appreciate any insights!

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