Continuous Sections and Top Margins
Ok, I'm dense. My problem:
I'm designing a mailmerge form that uses tables. I MUST put a table exactly 8.8" from the top of the page. I have another variable heighth table (can have multple rows) that starts 1" from the top and can go from 1.5-7" from the top of the page.
My thought was to use continuous sections and put each table within its own section. Then, for the bottom table, reset the top margin 8.5" from the top of the page. I've read anything I can find and all tips seem to indicate this will work. However, although the vertical margin ruler "shows" the top margin location, the actual table (or test text) never goes down the page in the section. If I try to modify the page layout using the "from this line forward), I get a new page section-not the continuous section break.
I've tried with both Word 2003 and Word 2007.